Page 63 - VODIC KRAS-a Sapicama po PGZ-u HR
P. 63

in the passenger  section  of the bus.   4) Plane
            Therefore, it is best to contact the carrier   Croatia  Airlines allows small dogs in
            and inquire about the conditions  and   the passenger part of the plane next to
            methods for transporting dogs.      their owner. Large dogs are only allowed
            3) Boat                             in  the  cargo  area  and  in  special  animal
            The official website of Jadrolinija   transport cages. It is best to check with
            contains regulations for travelling with   your airline about travelling conditions
            pets    prior to your trip.
            In addition to a valid vaccination booklet,   5) taxi
            dogs on board must be muzzled (except   The most important thing is to find out
            for guide dogs that accompany the blind)   which taxi services offer pet transport
            and kept on a leash. Dogs aren’t allowed   services. To make the ride as comfortable
            in indoor passenger areas. High-speed   as possible for your dog, start with
            water vessels allow only small dogs in   shorter trips.  During  the  ride,  the  dog
            the catamaran saloon. They must be held   must be on a leash at all times so as to not
            in small carriers under the seat or in   disturb the driver. Since the dog can get
            owner’s lap. Large dogs can board boats   sick during the ride, it is good to always
            with special transport cages.       have some handkerchiefs on you. Before

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