Page 59 - VODIC KRAS-a Sapicama po PGZ-u HR
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animal was vaccinated first, and then   vaccination.
              microchipped, the vaccination is not
              considered valid. In this case, after   Testing must be carried out on a sample
              getting  a  microchip,  the  animal  shall   taken  by  an  authorized  veterinarian  at
              receive a new anti-rabies vaccination   least 30 days after the date of vaccination
              and  21 days shall  pass  before  it is   and not less than three months before the
              eligible to enter. Dogs younger than   date of movement of the animal.
              three months and those not vaccinated
              against  rabies  from  low-risk  third   The test must be performed in an approved
              countries are not allowed to enter the   laboratory (the original results from the
              Republic of Croatia.              laboratory test must be accompanied by
                                                a veterinary certificate when traveling),
              5. The dog must be accompanied by   and the test must measure the level
              a veterinary certificate for the non-  of antibodies to the rabies virus in the
              commercial movement of dogs into   serum equal to or greater than 0.5 IU / ml.
              the European Union prescribed in
              Part I of Annex IV of the Commission   If the dog does not achieve the required
              Implementing Regulation (EU) no.   antibody titer, the anti-rabies vaccination
              577/2013. The veterinary certificate   must be repeated.
              should contain the correctly written   Dogs from these countries are allowed
              name and surname of the dog’s owner,   to enter the Republic of Croatia at the
              thus proving the ownership of the
              dog. The veterinary certificate shall   earliest age of 7 months (their age of 12
              be issued by veterinarians authorized   weeks when they get the first vaccination
              by competent authorities of the third   against rabies + 30 days when blood
              country from which the pet originates   sampling and determination of antibody
              and will be valid for 10 days from   titer test occurs + 3 more months).
              the date of issue to the date of the
              documentary examination by customs   If  you  are  traveling  from  Croatia,
              officials at the point of entry.    you can seek information from your
            3B) non-commercial movement of dogs   veterinarian or contact the Ministry of
            to a member state from high-risk third   Agriculture,  Veterinary  Directorate,
            countries                             Planinska 2, tel. +385 (0)1 6443-540,
            Given that the entry of dogs into the   to make sure you are complying with
            Republic of Croatia from these third   every condition laid out by each country.
            countries poses a high risk, in addition
            to  all the  above-mentioned  conditions
            that must be met during non-commercial
            transfer of dogs to the Republic of Croatia
            from low-risk third countries, it is
            necessary to perform a rabies antibody
            titer test in accordance with Annex IV
            of the Regulation (EU) no. 576/2013.
            The rabies antibody titer test checks
            the  effectiveness  of  the  anti-rabies

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