Page 55 - VODIC KRAS-a Sapicama po PGZ-u HR
P. 55

From regulations
                                      to a haPPy CoeXistenCe

                 og owners must provide their pets   children’s playgrounds, unfenced school
                 with suitable living conditions,   and kindergarten yards, well-tended
           Dand that fact should be taken into   town  beaches  and flower  beds,  as well
            consideration before getting a dog.  Food   as areas where a sign indicates that
            and water, although fundamental, are not   dogs are prohibited. This includes city
            the only things a dog needs. Other needs   cemeteries and markets, unless there
            include veterinary care, a sufficient   are special signs that say otherwise. Dogs
            number of activities and adequate   aren’t allowed on cemeteries according
            accommodation, especially for dogs living   to the Rules of Conduct at Cemeteries.
            in  backyards.  If  you  live  in  a  communal   You are required to collect your dog’s
            building, special attention should be   waste in public spaces, and in some
            paid to the common areas where you are   urban areas there are waste receptacles
            required to clean up after your dog. If you   specifically designated for dog waste. In
            live in a house, you need to respect your   public facilities such as shopping malls,
            neighbors and their rights. Regulations   cafes and restaurants the regulations
            state that dogs are allowed in public   for bringing pets are determined by the
            places under the supervision of their   owner and these regulations should be
            owner, on a leash or with other equipment   followed. The owners of these areas
            that  prevents  their  uncontrolled  are also responsible for monitoring the
            movement. Dogs aren’t allowed on    behavior and movement of dogs.

                                                                  Police Department, PGŽ

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