Page 52 - VODIC KRAS-a Sapicama po PGZ-u HR
P. 52

On   rare  occasions,  animals  can   2. Stop the bleeding! If the wound is
            experience tremors, loss of coordination   bleeding, press the area with a sterile
            and convulsions as side effects of    gauze pad. Smaller wounds will stop
            dehydration and electrolyte disorder due   bleeding very quickly, while larger
            to a large amount of ingested salt water.   wounds may take a little more time.
            To prevent these side effects, you should   Keep constant pressure to the wound.
            make  sure your  animal rests every  15   Don’t draw the gauze pad over the
            minutes and has constant access to    wound  as if you were trying to wipe
            drinking water. Despite the fact that   the blood off as this will remove the
            drinking small amounts of sea water while   scab that has formed and the wound
            swimming or running in the shallows   will start bleeding again. If you cannot
            do  not  have  tragic  consequences,  try   completely stop the bleeding within 15
            preventing your dog from consuming it   minutes or the bleeding is severe, this
            whenever you can.                     qualifies as an emergency and requires
                                                  the help of a veterinarian.
            sudden limping                        3. Apply the bandage. Due to the

            There are several possible causes of   location of the wound, it may reopen
            limping, but for the purposes of this   and start bleeding once the dog starts
            manual we will only refer to those that   walking again. You can try to prevent
            are most common in summer - burns and   this by applying a bandage. After you
            paw injuries. All these injuries can range   have stopped the bleeding and possibly
            from milder to more severe ones. You   applied a local antibiotic, be sure to
            can treat a milder injury on your own, but   apply a sterile gauze pad on the injury,
            in case of more severe ones you should   followed by a cotton wool and finally
            provide first aid and then seek the help of   a bandage that you have to apply in a
            a veterinarian.                       way to cover the joint so that it does not
                                                  fall on the dog’s first attempt to move.
            Paw injuries                          It takes a little experience to apply a
              1. Clean the wound. Look for pieces of   bandage in such a way that it is neither
              glass, metal, or sharp stones that may   too loose nor too tight.
              have caused the injury and remove
              them. Rinsing the paw with clean,   in case of burns
              lukewarm water can remove fine
              particles and dirt. If the foreign object is   Limping can also be caused by burns on
              deep in the tissue, do not try to remove it   the paws that may occur after walking
              yourself as you will often only increase   on hot asphalt. Remember, if the asphalt
              the injury  and inflict additional pain   is too hot for you while walking on it
              to your pet. After removing all visible   barefoot, it is also too hot for your pet. In
              particles, rinse the wound thoroughly   case of burns on the paws, you will often
              with saline solution. Wounds that aren’t   notice your pet is experiencing discomfort
              bleeding can be additionally rinsed with   when moving, lifting its paws into the air
              peroxide or betadine.             and licking them frequently. More serious

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