Page 49 - VODIC KRAS-a Sapicama po PGZ-u HR
P. 49

First aid kit                       car. However, you should be careful with
                                                that, because the temperatures in your
              eVerY dog owner sHouLd ALwAYs     vehicle in both summer and winter may
              HAVe soMe MediCAL suPPLies for    differ greatly from the room temperature
              firsT Aid on HAnd                 at which most medication and medicinal
                                                preparations should be stored. After all,
            In case your dog suffers from a chronic   bandages, gauze and similar supplies can
            disease,  the  contents  of  the  first aid   always be taken from the first aid kit you
            kit should also include medication or   have in the car already.
            supplies prescribed by your veterinarian.
            Periodically check the contents of the kit,   Content of the first aid kit
            and replace expired or spent medication   1. Information about the nearest
            or supplies. Ideally, you should store   veterinary  clinic,  telephone  numbers
            everything in one container that is within   and directions.
            your reach and that you will remember to   2. In cases of an already diagnosed
            take with you when going on a day trip or   illnesses: a sufficient amount of
            some longer journey. Keep the first aid   medication and supplies prescribed by
            kit out of the reach of children and pets!   a veterinarian.
            Some owners also keep a second kit in the
                                                  3. First aid supplies for injuries:
                                                   a. Adsorbent sterile gauze
                                                   b. Petroleum sterile gauze for burns
                                                   and open fracture wounds
                                                   c. Cotton wool, roll or zigzag cotton
                                                   wool in one piece
                                                   d. Elastic cohesive bandage
                                                   e. Adhesive surgical tape (also known
                                                   as Leucoplast or micropore surgical
                                                   tape); ideal width 1.5 cm
                                                   f. Antibiotic powder, spray and / or
                                                   ointment for minor wounds on the skin
                                                   (usually available only with a valid
                                                   prescription, so ask your veterinarian
                                                   to prescribe you one)
                                                   g. Sterile saline solution that you can
                                                   use to irrigate wounds
                                                   h. Povidone-iodine 10% (Betadine)
                                                   used for wound disinfection

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