Page 45 - VODIC KRAS-a Sapicama po PGZ-u HR
P. 45

warning signs                       suspecting that something is not right,
                                                without the fear of being too cautious.
            Dogs may or may not show some warning   Please note that the veterinarian must
            signs to make it clear that they do not want   examine your animal and on occasion
            your help. Some  warning signs include   perform various additional tests before
            ears flattened back with occasional   making a diagnosis. Seeking advice over
            light tail wagging, raised hair on their   the phone is sometimes justified (during
            back, bare teeth and lips, or a tucked tail   first aid procedures, before administering
            between the legs. Even some extremely   your pet  medications intended  for
            susceptible behaviors like lying on   humans,  when  announcing  your  arrival,
            their side and exposing their bellies or   etc.) but can in no way replace a visit to
            urinating  requires  caution,  because  this   the clinic.
            may indicate that a dog is scared and can
            attack you if it is frightened and wants to   what classifies as normal behavior?
            defend itself. If you are not able to catch   Always observe how the dog is breathing,
            or restrain the dog you want to help in a   the way it eats or drinks water, how it
            way that is safe for you, the dog, or your   walks, urinates or defecates. Don’t create
            surroundings, please be sure to contact   an obsession out of it but rather try to
            a veterinarian or the responsible facility,   observe your dog in its everyday life. Even
            provided one exists in your area of   the slightest change in its established
            residence.                          behavior during walks, play dates, or
                                                at home can indicate the existence of a
            A medical emergency or ailment that   health problem. A lack of appetite in the
            requires not only the attention of the   span of one day may or may not point to a
            owner but also of the veterinarian can   very serious health condition.
            be recognized only if you are familiar
            with usual behavioral patterns of your
            dog. If you’re not quite sure what’s going
            on, you are starting to worry, or you see
            that something isn’t quite right, be sure
            to contact your veterinarian and seek
            advice.  A  timely  diagnosis  and  the  start
            of  treatment increase  the  chances  of  a
            successful outcome of the illness. One
            should keep in mind that certain animals
            can “hide their ailments” for a long
            period of time, i.e. compensate for the
            deficiencies they cause. Visible changes
            may be very subtle, which is why more
            often than not, the owner either misses
            or misinterprets them, especially when
            it comes to new, inexperienced dog
            owners. It is therefore better to seek the
            advice of a veterinarian immediately after

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