Page 47 - VODIC KRAS-a Sapicama po PGZ-u HR
P. 47

sure that approximately 2.5 cm of the   pulse, because the information provided
              thermometer’s tip is inside the rectum.  will not yield better results than that
                                                of palpation or when directly listening
              4. When the thermometer beeps to
              indicate that the reading is done or   to  the heart.  What’s  more, finding the
              the time required for the reading has   location on the body where you can feel
              passed, pull it out of the rectum and   the dog’s pulse very often leads to the dog
              read the result.                  panicking, and that doesn’t help anyone.
                                                The normal heart rate ranges from 70-
            Pulse and heart rate                120, and again depends on the size of
            For dog owners with no medical training,   your dog. Slightly slower heart rate is
            it is only important to know how to check   expected in giant and large breeds as
            whether and at what rate the dog’s heart   opposed to the faster heart rate in small
            is beating. There are conditions where   and  miniature  dogs.  In  puppies,  we  will
            the heart rate differs from the peripheral   often consider 160 beats per minute as
            pulse rate. However, within this manual   normal. Similar to humans, dog’s heart
            it is superfluous to point to places on the   rate will increase in stressful situations
            body where it is possible to measure the   or with physical activity.

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