Page 48 - VODIC KRAS-a Sapicama po PGZ-u HR
P. 48

heart rate testing techniques       then the dog’s general health condition
              1. Lay the dog on its right side. If the dog   should  be  assessed  by  looking  at  the
              does not want to or cannot lie down,   bigger  picture,  and  not  just  an  isolated
              then let it remain in standing position.     phenomenon.
              If a dog is lying on its left side and is
              conscious, do not turn it over. In such   respiratory assesment techniques
              cases, try to feel or listen to its heart   1. While the dog is lying, standing,
              on its right side.                  or sitting, try to observe its chest
                                                  movement and  count  how many times
              2. While the dog is lying, try to move its   the chest expands or how many times
              front left leg slightly forward to free   it contracts.  You should count only
              the place where the elbow touches the   expansion or only contraction, not both.
                                                  2. You can also listen to its breathing
              3. Place your hand or ear on that spot   by placing your ear on its chest. In
              and count the  number  of times  the   critical situations where the dog is not
              heart beats in one minute.          breathing or its breathing is so shallow
                                                  or weak that you cannot notice any
            respiration rate                      chest movement, try to place a mirror
                                                  in front of the dog’s nostrils to see the
            It is somewhat easier to measure dogs’   condensation on the mirror from the
            respiration rate  because  they  expand   exhaled air.
            their chest when inhaling normally,
            which is easily visible. Expansion of the   visible mucous membranes
            belly instead of the chest most often   An examination of visible mucous
            indicates  a  health  problem.  Exhalation   membranes can provide information
            should be easy and effortless. Anything   about the state of the oxidation process
            contradictory to the usual breathing   in the blood and tissue, as well as other
            pattern could indicate a problem and   very important information. The easiest
            warrants a vet visit. If there is noticeable   way to examine the condition and color of
            effort by your dog to breathe properly,   the mucous membranes is on the inside
            if  breathing is extremely  shallow  or   of the dog’s lips. Lift the lip and see if
            extremely deep, if there are any noises   the mucous membrane is light pink.
            heard while breathing or if the dog   Extremely pale, almost  white,  bluish,
            is not breathing at all, please seek   brick red, bright red or yellow mucous
            immediate medical attention. A normal   membrane may indicate pathological
            dog respiration rate is between 18 to 34   changes and be a sign it’s time to visit
            breaths per minute. The exception is the   the vet. Many dogs have black or dark
            normal occurrence of panting, when the   pigmented mucous membranes of the
            number of breaths can rise to 200 breaths   lips or gums – don’t let this alarm you. You
            per minute. In healthy dogs, it is their way   can’t check the true color of the mucous
            of cooling their body, and is identical to   membranes in such pigmented areas, so
            sweating in humans. You should bear in   either check the other lip or the inside of
            mind that sick dogs can also pant, but   the lower eyelid.

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