Page 51 - VODIC KRAS-a Sapicama po PGZ-u HR
P. 51

the most common injuries on         work on dogs (temporarily or in cases
            vacations                           of mild reactions), but be sure to check
                                                the  effectiveness  and  dosage  with  your
            insect bites                        veterinarian before administering them.
                                                It  is  important  to  remember  that  the
            There are many insects that can sting or   animal should be monitored even after
            bite your dog. Such situations should, if   providing it medical care, as some more
            possible, be prevented. Not only because   severe allergic reactions may occur
            of the possible allergic reactions, but   several  hours after  the bite or sting. In
            also because of the fact that different
            insects and arthropods can transmit   all cases of severe allergic reactions,
                                                especially angioedema of the head and
            various diseases. By using certain   difficulty breathing, it is necessary to
            substances for ectoparasitic control   seek  professional  medical  care  as  soon
            available on our market, you can prevent   as possible.
            the flea, tick and even mosquito bites, but
            unfortunately their use will not prevent   swallowing salt water
            bee, wasp, hornet or some other insect
            stings. Fortunately, a sting is usually   Dogs often love the beach almost as
            only followed by a localized toxic and   much as we do. Running in shallow water,
            not allergic reaction (mild swelling and   playing  fetch  or  swimming  are  some  of
            redness at the area of the sting). More   their favorite activities. However, during
            sensitive dogs will experience an allergic   the heat and increased physical activity,
            reaction from the protein in an insect’s   their need for water also increases.
            saliva or venom. There are reactions   Every so often, dogs will drink salt water
            localized to the sting area (usually   in  the  absence  of  drinking  water.  Some
            severe swelling with redness and pain)   may even ingest a certain amount of salt
            or systemic reactions. The symptoms   water while catching the balls or sticks
            of a systemic reaction may include   we throw for them into the sea. Just
            urticaria (rash)  that  is  not  exclusively   like humans, if a dog drinks sea water,
            localized to the sting area, vomiting,   it can cause dehydration and electrolyte
            swelling of the head and neck followed by   disorder. Most often, drinking salt water
            difficulty breathing, and sometimes even   will lead to diarrhea and, in case larger
            anaphylactic shock.                 amounts were ingested at once, vomiting.
            Very often the first indication of an   Dogs will also urinate more often to expel
            allergic reaction will be the constant   excess salt thus losing some extra fluid.
            rubbing  of  the  nose  with  the  paws.  In   In other words, the animal will lose a lot
            cases where there’s  only a localized   more fluid than it takes in, and this will
            mild reaction to a sting, cool the sting   lead to dehydration.
            area and then apply a corticosteroid   Although drinking salt water won’t usually
            cream. Unfortunately, most of the   cause any severe health disorders, even
            antihistamines in the pills we often have   the  mildest consequences  (e.g.,  acute
            on us do not have the desired effect on   diarrhea) can lead to very unpleasant
            dogs. However, some antihistamines do
                                                situations when on the beach.

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