Page 56 - VODIC KRAS-a Sapicama po PGZ-u HR
P. 56

entering the republic of Croatia

            We asked the Ministry of Agriculture,   the European Union (so-called third
            Veterinary    Directorate,    what  countries), they must comply with more
            requirements you should meet when   strict entry or import conditions. In case
            brining your dog with you to a summer   the veterinary border control determines
            vacation in Croatia. Here is the full   that the dog does not comply with the
            answer:                             prescribed conditions, its entry into the
                                                territory of  the European Union may  be
            1) Commercial and non-commercial    denied, i.e. the dog may be returned to the
            importation of dogs                 country of dispatch or placed in isolation
            When traveling with dogs as pets, one   for the time necessary for it to comply
            is obliged to comply with certain rules   with the prescribed conditions. As a last
            that differ and depend on the country   resort when its return is not possible or
            of dispatch and / or the country of   isolation is not practical, the pet animal
            destination. Before the start of your   can be put to sleep (killed) in accordance
            trip, it is necessary to plan everything   with the applicable national rules.
            and to be sure to check all conditions
            and regulations that apply at the time   The  non-commercial  movement  of  dogs
            of travel.  If dogs are brought into the   means the movement of up to five pet
            Republic of Croatia from countries outside   animals accompanied by the owner or an

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