Page 54 - VODIC KRAS-a Sapicama po PGZ-u HR
P. 54

From regulations
                                                                                                                          to a haPPy CoeXistenCe

            heat stroke                         swimming in the sea will help your dog to
                                                cool down, but be sure to choose a beach
            Heat stroke is a condition characterized   that will have enough shade for your pet.
            by hyperthermia (high body temperature)
            caused by overexposure of the body to   motion sickness
            the heat, or the inability to maintain a
            normal body temperature. Dogs do not   Some dogs have a fear of cars and
            have as developed thermoregulation   driving,  and  some  just suffer from
            mechanisms as humans do, which      motion sickness and start munching,
            is  why  heat  stroke  is  a  much  more   drooling and vomiting right at the start
            common occurrence in dogs, and its   of your journey. The main cause of these
            consequences can be extremely serious.   symptoms is the stimulation of the
            Animals suffering from a heat stroke   vestibular system located in the  middle
            may experience fever (very often over   ear, which is connected to the vomiting
                                                center in the brain. Fear of driving
            40  ° C), shortness of breath, difficulty   further exacerbates the symptoms and
            moving or lack of movement, they can   may cause them even if the animal is in a
            become disoriented, start drooling, and   stationary vehicle.
            their mucous membranes can become
            inflamed. In addition to these, a number   Sometimes getting rid of the fear of driving
            of other symptoms may occur as a result   greatly improves the situation. However,
            of overheating and multiple organ failure.   in  more  severe  cases,  medications  that
            If an animal experiences these symptoms   reduce nausea and calm (lightly sedate)
            you should immediately move them to a   the animal are recommended. Most of
            cold room, give them water, soak their   these medications must be prescribed, so
            paws and seek emergency medical care.   if your dog suffers from motion sickness,
                                                be sure to contact your veterinarian
            Please note that you should not give your   before going on a journey.
            dog  ice  cold  water  nor  should  you  try
            splashing your dog with it, as this can   if your dog requires a blood transfusion
            have the opposite effect.
                                                  If your dog should need a blood
            It is important to know that a heat   transfusion, the website;
            stroke in dogs can very easily have fatal
            consequences, which is why you should
            do everything to prevent it. This is why   contains the list of dogs that are
            you should never, not even for a moment,   registered in the database of blood
            leave a dog in the car on hot summer   donors.  There you  can find  the dog’s
            days, even if it’s in the shade and with a   name, the city it lives in, the name of
            window slightly open. Activities should   its owner and the phone number you
            be limited to colder times of the day,   can call to reach them. You can also
            especially with more sensitive dogs. You   register your dog as a donor, both on
            must always have enough water on you.   this website and on the “Pasja baza”
            If  you  are  taking  your  dog  to  the  beach,   facebook page.

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