Page 46 - VODIC KRAS-a Sapicama po PGZ-u HR
P. 46

a quick check-up                    It is important to note that body
                                                temperature may be increased after
            If the change occurs suddenly or you   spending some time in the sun or in a
            find the dog injured, first check the   heated room, or after increased physical
            surroundings for any danger or the
            possible cause of injury or change.   activity. In  such  cases,  you  shouldn’t
                                                measure the temperature until the
            then do the following in this order:  dog cools down after running, being in
              1. Observe the entire body, try to notice   the sun or sleeping next to a radiator,
              any  changes  in  the  appearance  of   unless you suspect heat stroke. Fear is
              certain body parts or body posture; pay   another reason why body temperature
              attention to the state of consciousness   may rise (sometimes even a whole
              (whether  the  dog   is   excited,  degree higher). For any temperature
              disoriented, depressed, unconscious,   that’s out of range visit your veterinarian
              or has seizures); look for the presence   immediately, and temperature above
              of  blood,  urine,  feces  or  vomit  in  the   40 °C requires emergency medical
              immediate vicinity of the dog; check   attention. A temperature that falls under
              if the dog is bleeding, breathing, or   37.5 ° C and is in constant decline is also
              making unusual sounds.            considered an emergency. The general
                                                opinion that checking temperature by
              2. If you do not find any visible injuries   touch and feeling if the nose is wet are
              on your dog, the first thing you need   good indicators of dog’s health status is
              and can do is to measure its body   unfortunately not true.
                                                The easiest and most reliable way of
              3. If necessary or if advised by your   measuring a dog’s temperature is to
              veterinarian,  you  can also  measure   measure its rectal temperature. You can
              its heart rate and examine its mucous   use ordinary or digital thermometers
              membranes.                        available in every pharmacy. The only
                                                thing you have to know is how long
            Body temperature                    the thermometer needs to read the
            Body temperature is a good indicator of   temperature  (1.3  or  5  minutes).  Newer
            your dog’s health. You can easily measure   thermometers will make a beeping noise
            it  yourself;  you  just  need  to  know  how   when the final reading is done.
            to interpret the values of a normal
            temperature  for  dogs.  Physiological   rectal  temperature  measurement
            temperature may vary in dogs of different   technique
            ages and sizes, but we recommend to   1. Restrain the dog if needed.
            consult your veterinarian when:
                                                  2. Apply Vaseline, Vaseline-based cream
               •  a PUPPY has a body temperature   or plain soap and water to the top of the
               higher than 39.5°C                 thermometer.
               •  an ADULT DOG has a body         3. Lift the dog’s tail and gently insert
               temperature higher than 39 ° C     the thermometer into the anus. Be

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