Page 16 - VODIC KRAS-a Sapicama po PGZ-u HR
P. 16

etiQuette For Dog owners

                here are more and more places in   to be more relaxed in the great outdoors
                Kvarner where pooches are allowed:   and in quieter places.
            Tshopping malls, restaurants, public
            transport and various events in the city   Early socialization and habituation may
            and in nature. However, we must always   help the dog feel more comfortable in
            consider how others feel in the presence   crowds, however, we should still try to
            of our dog. That is why it is important and   shorten our stay in such places if we take
            necessary to pay attention to the behavior   our dog with us. The best way to see how
            of both owners and their dogs. We must   our dog is feeling is to pay attention to
            respect and have understanding for other   his body language. If your dog appears
            people – other dog owners, our neighbors,   withdrawn, has a drooping tail, his ears
            people walking in nature, swimmers on   tilted back, mouth pursed or is very
            the beaches, people in traffic – basically   short of breath, and avoids contact with
            everyone we meet in public places. We   others (people, dogs), or has a worried
            must also control our behavior in places   look, is tense, constantly keeps looking
            that  are  intended  for  dogs  and  pets  in   behind him, or if he tries to climb on you,
            general, such as dog parks, veterinary   you should know your dog does not feel
            clinics, pet shops, grooming salons, dog   comfortable and you should get him out
            beaches, etc.                       of such a situation. Very often, when our
                                                dogs do not feel comfortable, are feeling
            Although socialization involves also   frightened and stressed out, they may
            socializing with other dogs and people, it   react by  growling, barking, attacking or
            actually means learning the skills needed   even biting. Visiting crowded and noisy
            to function in a community. This includes   places with a dog should be planned so
            also  teaching  the  dog  to  concentrate   that the first few times are very short,
            mostly on its owner, and not on other   and therefore more pleasant and positive
            items in the surrounding area. That is why   for the dog. If we plan to relax and enjoy
            the task for all dog owners is to raise and   without worrying, for example in the mall,
            teach their dogs how to behave in public   if it is very hot outside, and we plan to stay
            areas and in public spaces. But even here   longer, it may be a better decision to leave
            you should start with yourself!
                                                the dog at home (in the apartment, tent)
                                                or ask someone to look after him.
            think about how your dog
            feels!                              the responsibility of the dog
            Before we decide to visit one of our
            favorite places with our dog, we need   Wherever you take your dog with you, we
            to  consider  how  our  dogs  might  feel  in   can never be completely carefree and
            such  places.  Dogs,  as  a species,  do not   relaxed, because the behavior of dogs can
            like crowds and noise, they find it hard to   be influenced by various environmental
            tolerate high temperatures and they tend   factors. If, for example, we were to draw

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