Page 20 - VODIC KRAS-a Sapicama po PGZ-u HR
P. 20

decent distance, if it is ok for them to get to   and get into an unnecessary conflict that
            know each other. The owners may be in a   can have consequences for their future
            hurry, they may be in a bad mood or simply   behavior. Leave play and socializing for
            unwilling to stop; maybe they don’t even   parks, lawns and places where dogs are
            notice us because they are concentrating   allowed to run freely. It is preferable that
            on their dog or on something they are   such spaces are away from traffic and
            doing that moment, for example, getting   they should be enclosed with some kind of
            into a car. We should also bear in mind that   fence. We should never judge people who
            the other dog may be sick or injured, old,   want to move further away from us when
            shy, traumatized, in training or it simply   they see us coming towards them with
            does not like the company of unfamiliar   our dog. Perhaps they are really afraid, or
            dogs. Therefore, we should stop, ask and   maybe their dog is afraid and they want to
            wait for an answer, and approach the   protect it. It may be that their dog simply
            other dog only after receiving permission.   does not feel comfortable around other
            If someone asks us not to approach them   dogs.  Maybe their dog is in the process of
            with our dog or they are obviously moving   training. We should respect their choice
            away from us, it is polite to respect their
            wishes and not force the encounter.  without questioning their reasons. Do we
            We should never approach, disturb or   really want to be around someone who is
            summon service dogs (guide dogs, police,   trying to avoid us? “Don’t worry, my dog
            army, therapy dogs). In places crowded   just wants to say hi!” – If your dog is not on
            with people, it is best that we skip   a leash and it suddenly and aggressively
            playtime among dogs.  There is a place   runs into the personal space of another
            and a time for everything. While out in the   dog, which is wearing a leash, and that
            street, dogs should be on a leash anyway,   dog injures your dog, you are the one who
            and letting the dogs play with each other   is responsible because your dog was not
            when they are both on a leash is not   on a leash. We must respect the personal
            desirable. Dogs tied on a leash do not have   space of dogs and other people. Dogs
            enough space to communicate naturally.   cannot reason logically. They react in
            Besides, they can get tangled, frightened   ways that are specific to their species.

                                                                         Grobnik Field

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