Page 17 - VODIC KRAS-a Sapicama po PGZ-u HR
P. 17

etiQuette For Dog owners

            a parallel between children and dogs, an   experience overall, cleaning up after
            adult dog is on the mental level of a three-  one’s dog is necessary, both in the street,
            year-old child. Would you walk with a child   on the lawn or in the park. Dog poop bags
            of that age without constant supervision,   are a mandatory piece of equipment even
            let him run along a busy road, without   during the shortest walk. Some dogs poop
            holding his hand? Without knowing who   more times during one walk, so bear that
            he approaches and who approaches him   in mind too. Bad weather and mud are no
            and whether he’s touching something   excuse to ignore our dog’s poop. Neither
            dangerous? Certainly not. Wherever   is darkness a justified excuse. All of
            we go with our dog we should always be   today’s cell phones have a flashlight that
            aware of the environment and observe   you can use to illuminate your search for
            who is coming to meet us and to whom   your dog’s droppings. However, forgetting
            our dog is approaching. That way we can   to clean up your dog’s poop is not the
            prevent many embarrassing situations   only problem. When we are walking with
            or at  least minimize  them. Using a cell   our dog, especially if we have a male
            phone when walking with a dog is similar   dog who lifts his leg and thus marks his
            to using a cell phone while driving. When   spot with urine, we must pay attention
            walking the dog, it is definitely advisable   that he doesn’t do it on someone’s car,
            to carry a cell phone so that you can call   on buildings and entrances, chairs,
            someone in case of need. For everything   tables and the terraces of restaurants
            else, keep your cell phone in your pocket   and cafes, benches,  etc. You  can notice
            or in your bag and concentrate on the dog   that your dog is about to mark “his spot”
            and on the environment. Besides being   because of his characteristic behavior
            concentrated on the environment, and not   - intense sniffing, circling around the
            on the screen, you have the opportunity   spot and changing position. If we notice
            to relax and dedicate yourself to your   that our dog is sniffing intensely and with
            dog  and  spend  some  real  quality  time   interest, getting ready to lift his leg and
            together.                           mark the spot, we must react in time and
                                                redirect  his  attention,  move  him  away
                                                and direct him to  a place  where he  can
            hygiene                             do it without inconveniencing anyone
            Cleaning up after your dog is the   else. We can also teach the dog a verbal
            responsibility of all dog owners.   signal that will stop him from acting.
                                                Marking is completely normal; it is a
            When we clean up after our dog we are   form of communication with other dogs
            showing that we respect others and care   via  their  olfactory  signals.  Dogs  have  a
            about the environment. Let’s try to start   need to leave a message and mark places
            with ourselves – we certainly don’t like   that another dog has already marked.
            to step in poop. Let’s consider that others   The only way we can reduce the need for
            don’t  like  stepping  into  our  dog’s  poop   marking is to prevent dogs from marking
            either. In order to have a more pleasant   places that are not suitable. Leaving a

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