Page 19 - VODIC KRAS-a Sapicama po PGZ-u HR
P. 19

retractable  leash.  They should not be   • It can always happen that the dog fails
            running around the stairwells either.  to obey. In such case, we should not yell
                                                after the dog and just stand there. Instead,
             • In elevators, especially if they are people   we must react. We must not let our dog
            inside, dogs may feel uncomfortable.   run towards someone who  obviously
            When we wait for the elevator,
                                                does not feel comfortable about it.  There
             we should move a few steps away, to   must be something wrong if the person is
            allow the people to exit. This is also   calling out to us to restrain our dog. If the
            important because there may be someone   dog does not respond to our commands,
            else with a dog in the elevator. We should   we have to go to it as fast as possible.
            not let the dog simply run into the elevator.   •  If someone else’s dog approaches
            We have to teach our dogs to wait and to   you, and the owner is trying to summon
            politely go in on our command.
                                                it, you have to ignore the dog. You should
             •  Even in places that are not strictly   not make things difficult for the owner
            intended for dogs, such as forests,   by  talking  to  their  dog  or  distracting  it
            meadows, embankments, etc., your dog   by cuddling it and feeding it with treats.
            should be on a leash if it doesn’t know   You  should  never  give  other  people’s
            how to respond to your command. Most   dogs attention and food unless the owner
            people like to take their dogs out in the   allows you to do so.  You can never know
            nature, but some dogs are always on the   if someone’s dog is on a special diet due
            leash. Some of them are timid, or they   to health problems, or if it is allergic to
            have just been adopted and have not yet   some food. Moreover, the dog may be
            developed a relationship and trust in their   in the process of training and the owner
            new owners. Some may not get along with   does not want the dog to take food from
            other dogs or people, or they are still in the   others. In any case, everyone should teach
            training process. When taking your dog for   their dogs not to take food from others. If
            a walk outdoor, you have to keep an eye on   people stopped feeding other people’s
            your dog and on the environment.  If you   dogs so much, there would not be so many
            see someone approaching with a dog on a   dogs asking for food or even jumping after
            leash, you need to call your dog to get back   others for food.
            to you and preferably put him on a leash,
            too. Sometimes you will walk by other   Passing by and meeting other
            dogs and their owners, and depending on
            the situation, you can say hello and chat  dogs on walks
            from an appropriate distance. During this   Dogs are social beings, but just like
            chat, you can observe the behavior of the   humans, they don’t like hanging out with
            dogs and see if they are compatible for   everyone and they are not compatible
            socializing and playing. While walking in   with everyone: there is no reason that
            nature, depending on the terrain, you may   a dog should socialize with every single
            use a long leash (5 - 10 meters) that gives   dog they pass by on a walk.  We should
            the dog enough space for running around,   not  let our  dogs approach  other dogs
            which gives you control at the same time.   on the street without asking first, from a

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