Page 21 - VODIC KRAS-a Sapicama po PGZ-u HR
P. 21

still, nature is the Best

                                                                 Ravna Gora, Gorski kotar
                                   ideas for a trip and a walk
              gorsKi KoTAr
              1. THe MounTAin AreA
              • Japlenški vrh - Forest Park Japlenški vrh (842 m ASL)

              • Kamačnik Canyon
              • Zeleni vir
              • source of the Kupa river
              • fužine - Lake Bajer, Lake Lepenica
              • Mrkopalj (Agility) - the traditional Mrkopalj Agility weekend has been organized for several
              years in a row by the Malinois club “Kvarner”. It is an event that dog owners with their dogs
              attend in order to have fun and see something new. It includes competitors from all over
              Croatia, as well as from surrounding countries like Slovenia, Italy, Hungary, Slovakia…
              • Lake Lokve

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