Page 18 - VODIC KRAS-a Sapicama po PGZ-u HR
P. 18

pile  of  hair after we  have  brushed  the   places where we pass other people, the
            dog is also not polite. The hair should be   dog should walk to heel, beside you, not
            collected and thrown away. If we go to   several meters behind or away from you.
            the mall or similar places with our dog,   The leash should be tightened enough so
            in addition to carrying the poop bag, we   that we can control the dog; however, it
            should also have tissues to wipe up the   does not have to be too tight because we
            dog’s urine in case he pees in a place that   do not want the dog to feel uncomfortable.
            is inappropriate.                   If the place is not crowded, with only
                                                occasional passers-by, we can loosen
                                                the leash a bit, to allow the dog to sniff
            appropriate behavior on walks       around, pee or poop if necessary. Two,
            and in public places                three meters is enough. If the place is
                                                crowded, we should tighten the leash
            On street walks and in places where   so that the dog walks at our side. The
            there are people, children and traffic, the   “at heel” signal is very useful and this is
            dog should be on a leash, regardless of   something we must teach our dogs. If you
            its size and no matter how obedient and   wonder which side the dog should be on
            friendly  it  is  with  people  or  other  dogs.   when walking, it depends on where we
            Children’s parks and sidewalks are not   walk, how crowded the place is and on
            places where dogs should play or move   the situation in general. For the safety of
            freely without a leash. Even though our   the dog and other people  on the  street,
            dog may be socialized and well-trained,   the dog should walk by our left side if the
            we can never be absolutely certain how   street is to our right, and vice versa.
            our dog may react in specific situations.
            The dog’s senses, unlike ours, are much   •  At crosswalks and traffic lights, the
            more refined. We cannot even imagine   leash should be tightened. If we use a
            the things they can hear or smell, even   retractable lead, we should lock it and tell
            from a great distance. Moreover, dogs   the dog to sit or stand at our feet. We must
            are subject to natural impulses. Even   not let the dog run into the street in front
            those who never chase cats or birds can   of us, with or without the leash.
            suddenly feel  the  urge  to  do  so.  They   • In apartment buildings, the dog should
            can be frightened or panicked for no   also be on a leash. We put the leash on our
            apparent reason. In both cases, the dog   dog before going out, and we do not take it
            starts running at great speed, which can   off before we get to the place where dogs
            cause problems, like a car accident, they   are allowed to be off the leash.  When we
            may injure themselves or cause damage   are returning to our apartment building,
            to other people, all of which can be   the  dog  should  also  be  on  the  leash.
            considered our fault as we are the dog’s   Similar rules apply to those who live in
            owners.                             private houses, too. We should not let
             •  In public places, our dogs should be   dogs run out of the yard or an apartment
            on a short leash. On the street and in   without a leash, or when they are on a

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